Rospotrebnadzor (Russian Federal State Agency for Health and Consumer Rights) has recommended that the regions vaccinate at least 95% of the population against diphtheria


Rospotrebnadzor has instructed regional authorities of the Russian Federation to conduct immunization against diphtheria in a timely manner. The document with the recommendations of the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation is published on the official portal of regulatory legal acts.

It is recommended to pay special attention to internally displaced people and migrants. By the end of 2023, at least 95% of the population of each region of the country should be vaccinated.

The regions were also instructed to take measures to improve the diagnosis and prevention of diphtheria amidst “risks of importation of diphtheria infection from disadvantaged territories, providing for the allocation of funds for the purchase of modern diagnostic products, including those for express diagnostics, and immunobiological drugs for immunization.”