Sotex took part in the 14th Congress of Pediatricians of Russia


Sotex took part in the 14th Congress of Pediatricians of Russia “Actual problems of Pediatrics”, which was held in Moscow from March 3 to 5. The event was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and dedicated to the 150th anniversary of N. Speransky.

The opening ceremony of the Congress featured the announcement of the results of contests Pediatric Doctor 2022, Pediatric Medical Organization 2022, etc. The results of a contest for young scientists were announced at the closing ceremony.

Sotex exhibition stand showed products made and marketed by the company. The potential of Sotex products was discussed at a series of symposiums devoted to the prevention and treatment of respiratory infections in children, as well as the improvement of general condition after infectious diseases.

In the section on nonspecific prevention and immunotherapy of respiratory infections in children, the speakers discussed the beneficial effect of Ismigen drug in the current epidemiological conditions. The topics of tridemic, reduction of collective immunity, as well as the use of bacterial lysate Ismigen in patients with allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis were also discussed. The symposium was attended by Aleksander Vasilyevich Gorelov,  Doctor of Medical Science, epidemiologist, Academician of RAS, professor of the Department of Children’s Diseases of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University,  Anna Aleksandrovna Alekseeva, Candidate of Sciences in Medicine, Head of the Pediatric Day Hospital of the Research Institute of Pediatrics and Child Health of the Central Clinical Hospital of RAS, Oleg Vitalievich Kalyuzhin, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor of the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology of I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.

  1. V. Kalyuzhin also spoke about the importance of probiotics in the formation of children’s health. He stressed that the Bifistim contributes to the elimination of dysbiosis and improves the condition of the body. According to Irina Anatolyevna Belyaeva, Doctor of Medical Science, professor of RAS, professor of the Department of Theoretical Pediatrics of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, head of the Department of Preconceptional, Antenatal and Neonatal Medicine of the Research Institute of Pediatrics and Children’s Health Research and Clinical Center No. 2 of B. V. Petrovsky Russian Research Centre of Surgery, neonatologist of the State Medical Institution “Morozovskaya Children’s City Hospital of Moscow Healthcare Department”, Bifistim can be useful in the treatment of infant colic, as probiotics help reduce the frequency of colic attacks, support the immune system and have a general supportive effect.

A symposium was held on modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of post-infectious asthenic syndrome in children. In their speeches, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Nemkova, Doctor of Medical Science, professor, member of the International Child Neurology Association (ICNA),  Leonid Semenovich Chutko, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Center for Behavioral Neurology, Head of the Laboratory for Correction of Mental Development and Adaptation of the Institute of Human Brain of RAS, and Georgii Archilovich Karkashadze, Candidate of Sciences in Medicine, Head of the Department of Brain Development in Ontogenesis and Formation of Cognitive Functions and Neurobiology at the Consultancy and Diagnostics Center of the RAS clinic,  pointed out that Cogitum can be recommended for use as a general restorative agent.

Sotex is aware of the special importance of high efficacy and safety of pediatric drugs, so the company does its best to achieve compliance with high standards at all stages of its operations.