The Government Russia has made the labeling of medical devices, dietary supplements and antiseptics mandatory


Decree of the Russian Government dated May 30, 2023 No. 870 “On Approval of the Rules for Labeling <…>” introduced mandatory labeling for medical devices, antiseptics, dietary supplements and wheelchairs. Applications for registration of relevant products in the state monitoring system can be accepted from September 1, 2023.

In 2020, the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Denis Manturov, held a meeting of the State Commission on Combating Illicit Trafficking in Industrial Products, where one of the key issues of the State Commission was the improvement of measures to counter illegal trafficking of dietary supplements.

In 2020, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has reported that labeling could become mandatory for cosmetic products with a declared antimicrobial effect, as well as skin antiseptics from April 1, 2023.