The Circle of Kindness Foundation has provided treatment to 23,000 children with rare diseases


The Russian Health Minister, Mikhail Murashko, revealed that the Circle of Kindness Foundation has magnanimously provided nearly 23,000 children afflicted with rare diseases access to expensive medications and vital medical supplies. Remarkably, they have even managed to deliver treatments that are currently unregistered in the country.

“Our country has successfully provided assistance to children with rare diseases. The Circle of Kindness Foundation has already provided almost 23 thousand children with expensive innovative medicines and medical products, including those not registered in the Russian Federation,” he said.

The minister stated that the fund is continuously expanding the list of diseases that children can receive treatment for each year. The successful implementation of state policy in children’s healthcare has led to a significant decline in infant mortality rates. According to Murashko, the current level of this figure is at a historic low of 4.1 ppm.