Roche resumes supplies to Russia of a drug for the treatment of cystic fibrosis


The Swiss Roche has found a way to import the drug Pulmozyme (dornase alfa) into Russia, the Russian representative office of Roche reported. Earlier, the Ministry of Health, against the backdrop of numerous requests from Russian patients with cystic fibrosis to the department with a request to resolve the issue of availability of the original drug, recommended that the company work on the issue of importing the drug into Russia in foreign packaging.

The company will supply Pulmozyme to those Russian patients for whom the drug is indicated for life-saving reasons, Roche-Moscow JSC said in a statement. At the moment, a biosimilar to Pulmozima is available for Russian patients – the drug Tigerase from the Russian pharmaceutical company Generium.

To meet the current need of Russian patients for Pulmozyme, Roche has already launched a batch of the drug into production. Further volume of production of the drug will depend on the established demand, noted the Russian representative office of the company.