Every second Muscovite has an electronic medical record

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin stated that half of the people in Moscow already have access to an electronic medical record, which means every other person. In 2020, the opportunity to access your medical history digitally emerged, offering a level of convenience that has only further improved over time.
The service was launched for patients in January 2020. Back then, townspeople could only view in it the protocols of doctors’ examinations, research results and hospital discharges. Over four years, the medical record has become even more convenient and informative. For example, in the nursery information about vaccinations, certificates of illness, recommendations for exemption from attending school and much more are available,” said the mayor of the capital.
Adults, he said, can enter various health indicators in a special diary built into the card. In addition, using the service, you can view data on sick leave issued, find referrals for consultations, studies and procedures, and also sign up for them.
Among other things, the “digital” medical record has access to electronic prescriptions and information about ambulance calls. You can work with data both through the section on mos.ru and in the application.