Rostec sent 19 million vaccine doses to prevent 8 diseases in the regions


Nacimbio holding, Rostec State Corporation, has supplied to the regions 50% of all planned doses of vaccines for the prevention of eight infectious diseases: measles, rubella, mumps, tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, hepatitis B and tuberculosis. The total volume of supplies of drugs for routine immunization in 2024, excluding flu vaccines, will be 37.2 million doses, according to the Rostec website.

Vaccines for routine immunization are produced at Nacimbio enterprises using a full technological cycle – from independent antigen production to the finished dosage form. Since the beginning of the year, Russian regions have received 1.7 million doses of the Vaktrivir trivaccine. Also in April, 210 thousand doses of measles monovaccine were distributed to the subjects. Supplies of drugs will continue throughout the year.