Nanolek and GC Biopharma have developed a chickenpox vaccine

Nanolek, a biopharmaceutical company, has officially submitted an application to the Russian Ministry of Health, seeking approval for a clinical trial of an innovative chickenpox vaccine. This vaccine has been developed in collaboration with South Korea’s GC Biopharma. Registration of the new drug is expected within a year after its completion – in late 2026 – early 2027.
Eight research centers will participate in the trials, including the N.F. Filatov Clinical Institute of Children’s Health of Sechenov University of the Russian Ministry of Health, the Research Institute of Pediatrics and Children’s Health of the N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, and the Children’s Scientific and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency.
Chickenpox is one of the most common infections in the world. It can cause severe complications, especially in children under one year of age and adults. According to the action plan for executing the Strategy for the Development of Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases until 2035, it is aimed to incorporate chickenpox vaccination into the National Calendar of Preventive Immunizations (NCIP) by 2027.