Vladimir Putin supported the initiative to reward the creators of Russian vaccines


At a meeting with the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, Kirill Dmitriev, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the importance of a fair distribution of income from the sale of domestic vaccines on the international market. The head of state emphasized the need to create a mechanism in which scientific teams-developers would receive part of the profit not only for personal use, but also for the further development of promising research.

“I asked that the developers of these drugs, so necessary for our country and for foreign countries, not feel like strangers when the profits from sales are distributed. And I asked to create a scheme in which the developers would also receive certain funds, and not only for personal consumption, but also for the development of the relevant areas of their activities,” Putin said.

As a successful example of such an approach, Dmitriev cited the experience of working with the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, where a significant part of the funds from the sale of the “Sputnik V” vaccine was sent directly to the developers. Not only the project managers, but also the entire team of about 40 specialists who contributed to the creation of the drug received significant compensation, he noted.