Generium has begun clinical trials of a gene drug for Duchenne muscular dystrophy


Russian biotech company Generium and Sirius University have started clinical trials for a Duchenne muscular dystrophy treatment. Dmitry Kudlai, a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, shared insights at a Novosibirsk State University event.

“Generium has an interesting development with Sirius for Duchenne disease. This is a personalized medicine project, where a technologist becomes a doctor. <…> It is at the clinical trial stage, it is gene therapy. This is our original development,” he said. But there is no clinical trial information for a Duchenne muscular dystrophy drug is in the State Register of Medicines.

The project, implemented in the paradigm of personalized medicine, is an original development in the field of gene therapy. This method involves introducing a healthy copy of the gene into patients with a disrupted genetic structure using a viral vector. This approach is considered promising for the treatment of genetically determined pathologies.