2.7 billion rubles allocated to the regions to provide patients with COVID-19 free medicines


2.7 billion rubles were allocated to provide free medicines for patients with coronavirus infection in the regions. The corresponding order was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

“We are talking about patients who receive medical care treated at home under the doctor supervision. To prevent the adverse course of the disease and the development of complications, they are prescribed combined treatment regimens. All necessary drugs are issued free of charge according to the prescription of the doctor attending”, the explanatory note to the document reports.

In 2020, almost 8 billion rubles were allocated from the government’s reserve fund for these purposes. Mikhail Mishustin spoke about the allocation of additional funding at a meeting of the Coordinating Council for Combating the Spread of Coronavirus Infection on January 26. The head of government instructed Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko to ensure that citizens receive the necessary medicines in a timely manner.