More than 43 thousand doses of EpiVakKorona launched into civil circulation in Russia


More than 43 thousand doses of the EpiVakKorona coronavirus vaccine developed by the Novosibirsk scientific center Vector have been put into civil circulation, Rospotrebnadzor reports.

“Six series of vaccines have been introduced into civil circulation, with a total quantity of 43.3 thousand doses”, the report said. It is noted that vaccination with the drug is carried out twice with an interval of two to three weeks.

The supervisory authority added that as part of post-registration clinical trials, 2,736 volunteers over 18 years of age from the participating 3 thousand have already received two components of EpiVaCorona. Post-registration clinical trial of vaccine on 159 volunteers over 60 years of age completed. The report is submitted to the Ministry of Health of Russia.

“Further follow-up of volunteers in three and six months will be carried out outside the scope of this study. After completing the observation of volunteers, the Russian Ministry of Health will provide additional data to the final report with an analysis of the incidence of COVID-19, severity and duration of reported cases, as well as the presence of delayed undesirable reactions to the vaccine within six months after vaccination”, the Rospotrebnadzor noted.

Mass vaccination of the adult population over 18 years old started in the Russians regions from January 18. At the moment, residents of the country can vaccinate for free one of the two registered vaccines – Sputnik V or Epivakkorona.