The Vector Center reported on the results of a study of its vaccine on elderly volunteers


The Vector Center has completed research on the EpiVakKorona vaccine on elderly volunteers, the results are positive, said Tatyana Nepomnyachchy, acting deputy general director of the center for scientific and methodological work and international cooperation.

“Just a few days ago, we completed post-registration clinical studies on the 60 + age group, that is, people over 60 years old. As you know, in the case of COVID, this is one of the most vulnerable categories of our citizens who need to be protected first of all… We received positive results, “- quotes RIA Novosti Nepomnyachchy.

She noted that the elderly easily carried the vaccine, they did not have strong undesirable reactions.

“For the most part, people complained or did not complain of little soreness at the injection site,” Nepomnyachtchi said.

In August 2020, the Ministry of Health of Russia registered the world’s first anti-COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V, developed by the Gamalei Research Center.