Valenta Pharm launches to the Russian market a unique drug for the MS treatment


The Kinesia drug manufactured by Valenta Pharm JSC, which returns mobility to patients with multiple sclerosis, will be available to Russian patients in 2021, the company said.

The pharmaceutical manufacturer Valenta Pharm has been conducting its own developments for more than eight years to create a medicine that will allow patients with MS to return mobility. Numerous clinical trials of the Russian fampridine molecule proved its effectiveness and safety, and the company’s corresponding drug underwent all registration procedures.

“As a socially responsible company, we work in close dialogue with the patient community, understand its needs, and based on this we make strategic decisions. This happened with multiple sclerosis, when we see unique solutions that exist in other countries, but are absent in Russia. Decisions that bring MS patients back to life reduce the burden on the healthcare system due to the progression of disability. Almost a decade of painstaking work by our scientists, and now the long-awaited drug that returns mobility to people with MS, is finally available in Russia, “said Ekaterina Zakharova, Director of Science, Expertise and Treatment of MS and BAA of Valenta Pharm.

Zakharova added that this year the company is launching an early access program to the drug, as well as an observation program based on Russian medical institutions.

“We also plan to provide therapy for more than 500 patients, conduct training for neurologists on the features of drug prescribing, and also give them the opportunity to get their own experience in applying our development,” said a representative of Valenta Pharm.

The drug is produced in Russia directly on the basis of the Valenta Pharm research and production complex. The company’s high-tech R&D cluster, located in Schelkovo, Moscow Region, was commissioned in 2017 and is one of the largest high-tech pharmaceutical industries in Eastern Europe.