FAS granted Miratorg’s request to acquire 50% of Heparinus


The Federal Antimonopoly Service has granted the request of Miratorg agricultural holding to acquire 50% in the authorized capital of Heparinus, a company registered in the Kursk Region, TASS reports with reference to the agency’s statement.

“The FAS of Russia has granted the request of OOO “Agropromyshlennyi Complex Miratorg” for a preliminary consent to the acquisition of a 50% share in the authorized capital of OOO Heparinus, a company registered in the Kursk Region and a part of the Van Hessen Group of companies (Germany),” the report says.

The agency clarified that the Heparinus joint venture is planning to process waste from Miratorg’s economic activities.

In June, Miratorg asked the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) for a preliminary consent to the acquisition of 50% in Kursk-based OOO Geparinus. This company was registered at the end of last year, and is 100% owned by the Dutch Van Hessen, which, as stated on its website, supplies meat offal, components for the pharmaceutical industry, including for the production of heparin (a blood thinning medication).