The EAEC is developing a plan to increase the provision of the EAEU states with strategically important drugs


The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is developing an action plan to increase the level of provision of the states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) with strategically important medicines and pharmaceutical substances for medical use, the production of which has to be established in the EAEU by 2024. This was announced by Artak Kamalyan, the Minister of Industry and Agro-Industrial Complex of the Commission, during a visit to Biocad’s research and production center.

“Our goal is to create such conditions for the pharmaceutical business in which it will be able to develop steadily, producing modern competitive products and thereby meet the needs of the domestic market,” the press service of the EAEC quotes Artak Kamalyan as saying.  “We believe that the implementation of the measures included in our plan and the unification of the research and production potentials of the EAEU countries will give a tangible synergy effect.” This factor will not only contribute to the stabilization of the pharmaceutical market of the Union, which is still very unbalanced due to the consequences of the first wave of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, but will also bring innovations to the current market model.”

The Minister stressed that the order on the preparation of the plan was adopted on May 21 this year at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council. The main goal of this work is to increase the level of provision of the EAEU countries with strategically important medicines and to establish their production in the Union. Kamalyan noted the strategic importance of this activity for each of the Eurasian states.

Representatives of Biocad pharmaceutical company, in turn, described the range of products manufactured, including the COVID-19 vaccine being developed, which is based on the company’s own gene therapy platform. The official permission to start clinical trials of the drug was issued by the Ministry of Health of Russia in July this year.

Aleksey Torgov, Deputy General Director of ZAO BIOCAD, noted the importance and timeliness of the work carried out by the commission on the development of the pharmaceutical industry in the EAEU.