Prices of Vital and Essential Drugs in Russia increased by 1% on average


In October, prices for drugs that are not vital and essential drugs (VED) increased by an average of 1.2%, according to the Federal State Statistics Service data.

Prices increased for multivitamins – by 4.5%, sinupret – by 4.3%, sulfacetamide – by 3.3%, allochol – by 2.2%, metamizole sodium (domestic analgin) – by 2.1%, ketorol express – by 2.0%, activated carbon, acipol, afobazole, corvalol, magne B6, methyluracil, citramon – by 1.3-1.9%. Prices for levomekol and rengalin decreased by 0.4%.

Medicines related to VED became more expensive on average by 1.0%, including acetylsalicylic acid (domestic aspirin) – by 4.7%, acetylcysteine (AC) – by 2.1%, furosemide – by 2.0 %, ceftriaxone – by 1.8%, aminophylline – by 1.7%, ascorbic acid and xylometazoline (galazolin) – by 1.4%, pancreatin – by 1.3%, glycine and ambroxol – by 1.2%, vinpocetine, gripferon, ibuprofen, sodium chloride, umifenovir (arbidol) – by 1.1%. Prices decreased: for suprastin – by 0.4%, bisoprolol – by 0.2%.