Pharmasintez obtained the right to produce and sell ‘Remdesivir- throughout 2021


The Russian government allowed Pharmasintez Group of Companies to produce and sell Remdeform (remdesivir) in 2021 without the consent of Gilead Sciences, which owns a patent for the original drug. This is stated in the order signed by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin.

“To authorize the Pharmasintez Joint Stock Company to use inventions protected by Eurasian patents No. ЕА025252, ЕА025311 and Е4А029712, owned by Gilead Science, as well as Eurasian patents No. ЕА020659 and ЕА032239, also owned by the Gilead Pharmasset LL for 1 year without the consent of the patent holders in order to provide the population of the Russian Federation with drugs with the international non-proprietary name ‘remdesivir’, ”the order says.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was instructed, no later than 30 days from the date of the first sale of the drug with the international non-proprietary name ‘remdesivir’ in the Russian Federation, to notify the patent holders, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade was instructed to provide the Government of the Russian Federation with information on the payment of the commensurate compensation to the copyright holders to the Russian government within three months. The Ministry of Economic Development was instructed to notify the Council on Trade Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights about the order.