Russia has developed the world’s first test system for determining the “British” COVID-19 strain


The central scientific research institute of epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor developed and registered a test system on identification of coronavirus mutation of N501Y (so-called British strain) – a set of AmpliSens reagents SARS-CoV-2-UK-IT, Rospotrebnadzor reports.

“The new test system quickly reveals the presence of a mutant strain, which is realized through the special selection of oligonucleotides for the effective amplification of the”British”mutation, and is designed for a maximum virus concentration of 106 copies/ml. This avoids false positive results when detecting a mutation for samples with a very high viral load”, the supervisory authority said.

The set of reagents successfully passed clinical trials and was registered for use in Russian (certificate number – No. 2021/13517). The new technology can be used to develop reagents to identify any other SARS-CoV-2 mutations, as well as other infectious pathogens where rapid mass testing (pandemic infections) is required, Rospotrebnadzor emphasizes.

New coronavirus mutation SARS-CoV-2 (British strain) in the UK was detected at the end of December 2020. The British strain does not cause a more severe course of infection, in addition, it’s airborne. Accordingly, prevention measures remain the same that have already proved effective: isolation of those infected, observance of social distance, the use of personal protective equipment and vaccination.