The Ministry of Health describes the steps towards the transition to electronic dossiers for licensing


The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 291 “On Licensing of Medical Activities” now includes the provision that no copies of documents have to be submitted if the corresponding information is entered in the federal register of medical organizations and the federal register of medical workers of the Uniform State Health Information System (EGISZ), Pavel Pugachev, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, said at the VI conference “Digital Industry of Industrial Russia.”

It is mentioned that this is actually a step towards the transition to electronic dossiers for licensing. In addition, according to the new rules, all medical organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, must submit information to the EGISZ.

At the moment, work is continuing on the new version of Federal Law No. 143 “On Acts of Civil Status”. The document has already been adopted in three readings by the State Duma of the Russian Federation and it is expected to have been signed by the president in the near future. According to the new provisions, the federal register of medical birth and death certificates will be formed within the framework of the EGISZ. This is necessary for the provision of services within the framework of “My Health” super-service. The tool will be instrumental in the analyzis of the quality of medical care and demographic indicators.

“We understand it very well that it is only possible to make forecasts and analyze the current state of the industry, as well as to manage patients, if the information systems provide complete and relevant data. The target model is the transition to control and supervision on the basis of primary data provided by medical organizations to the EGISZ,” Pavel Pugachev said.

The session participants also noted that the vertically integrated system, which is being created by the state, will help companies engaged in the development of digital solutions for medicine. It will become possible to use the consolidated data without spending resources on independent collection of information.