Rospotrebnadzor offers a cheap and fast way to track COVID-19 mutations


Specialists of the Central Research Institute of Rospotrebnadzor have suggested tracking coronavirus mutations in a new way. Instead of sequencing not the entire genome, the method involves studying only the part the mutations in which affect important epidemiological properties. This was reported to RIA Novosti by Kamil Khafizov, the head of the research group for the development of new methods for diagnosing human diseases of the Central Research Institute.

“Targeted sequencing of individual fragments of the S-protein gene reduces the costs of sample preparation and sequencing by about ten times compared with the full-genome sequencing of the coronavirus infection. Testing takes half as much time, one of the reasons for which is that there is less “culling” of biological material in targeted sequencing. That is, a larger percentage of samples passes through all the stages of research and reaches the genomic sequence itself,” Kamil Khafizov explained.

According to the scientist, whole genome sequencing is the most reliable and accurate method, but it is costly and requires a significant time investment. He noted that the virus is constantly mutating, but its properties change only because of some of the mutations. It is proposed to sequence significant coronavirus mutations concentrated mainly in one part of the genome.

Vector has previously announced  the effectiveness of EpiVacCorona against COVID-19 mutations.