A slight decrease in the number of vacancies is observed in the pharmaceutical industry


From March 1 to March 9, 2022, the number of vacancies in the pharmaceutical industry decreased by 5%. This is reported by FV with reference to the SuperJob portal. During this period, the decline in the number of vacancies in the labor market as a whole amounted to 7%.

“Russian pharma turned out to be the most stable industry of all. Projects with the participation of international pharma are now frozen. But all our projects with Russian pharmaceutical companies continue. I interviewed our customers from among the top 10 manufacturers in different industries, asking them whether their hiring strategy is changing. It was pharmaceutical companies who stated the absence of changes. Employers continue intensive search for candidates who they then bring to key positions. They even come to recruit for new projects,” the publication quotes Yulia Zabazarnykh, executive search partner at Kontakt, as saying.

According to SuperJob, in the first nine days of March, the number of resumes in the pharmaceutical industry decreased by 7%. A similar situation has developed in the labor market as a whole. Employees of companies are currently in a wait-and-see position, not daring to make drastic changes in their careers.

Why pharmaceutical companies must train personnel for e-commerce.

The largest pharmaceutical companies from the United States and other countries have announced that they are going to continue to manufacture and sell their products in the Russian Federation.