The Ministry of Health reports regular production and normal supply of asthma drugs


Asthma medications are manufactured and supplied to Russia. Drug manufacturers, including foreign ones, continue their operations. This is reported by TASS with reference to Aleksey Kuznetsov, Assistant Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, there were reports in some Telegram channels stating that the chief medical officers of Moscow’s medical institutions allegedly received a letter from Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, with a request to procure, if possible, some foreign asthma therapies.

“This information is fake, totally false, and no such letters have been sent. Medicines are produced and delivered in the ordinary course. Manufacturers and suppliers, including foreign ones, continue their operations,” the publication quotes Kuznetsov as saying.

It was also mentioned that doctors allegedly do not have enough foreign vaccines, including for the prevention of rotavirus infection, pertussis, diphtheria, etc.

“All vaccines included in the national vaccination calendar and the calendar of vaccinations for epidemiological indications are available in sufficient quantities,” Aleksey Kuznetsov said.

According to the press service of Roszdravnadzor (Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare), Pentaxime, a five-component vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and Hib infection, is produced as usual. Since March 25, more than 366,000 packages have been released into civil circulation.

“Today, the manufacturer has submitted an application for the introduction of more than 200,000 packages into civil circulation. Thus, there is unlikely to be a shortage of the vaccine,” the message reads.

As noted in the department, Avaxime, a vaccine against hepatitis A, was excluded from the state register of medicines (GRLS). However, there are analogues of the drug on the market, both Russian and foreign-made.

Acuvue, the most popular contact lenses, are in short supply in the Russian Federation. They account for half of the imports of this product category into the country.